Charles W. Hostler Institute on World Affairs

The Charles W. Hostler Institute on World Affairs plays a critical role in the educational mission of SDSU

Founded in 1942, as the Institute on World Affairs, to inform students, faculty, and the wider public on global affairs, the Institute has provided the SDSU and greater San Diego community with high level and spirited intellectual engagement on international issues.

Institute speakers are drawn from all areas of global affairs, including international diplomacy, academia, national security, and protest politics. The Institute prides itself on encouraging robust critical debate, including the airing of highly controversial themes. Its operating motto is AUDIATUR ET ALTERA PARS (Let the Other Side be Heard). Recent topics have included drone warfare and targeted killings, international war crime courts, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, U.S. foreign policy, and issues related to Brexit.

Career Paths in the U.S. Foreign Service

Interactive Session with Foreign Service Officer Bridget Premont
April 8, 2025 from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Refreshments will be provided!


Ambassador Charles W. Hostler, Ph.D.

The Institute proudly bears the name of Charles W. Hostler

Ambassador Hostler served his country with distinction and provided generous support in time and contributions to the Institute and many other worthy causes.

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Anna Meliksetian

Hostler Institute Scholar

Anna Meliksetian, 2023-2024

Master of Science in Global Business Development