Notable Alumni and Faculty
Alumni Awards of Distinction

‘99 LHD
James D. Sinegal
Former CEO

‘91 MBA
Linda Lang
Former Chairman & CEO
Jack in the Box Inc.
Jack in the Box Inc.

‘76 Accounting
Dee Coffman
Founding CFO
Qualcomm Incorporated
Qualcomm Incorporated

‘73 Accounting
Tom Darcy
Director, Executive VP and CFO
Tocagen Partners
Tocagen Partners

‘86 Finance
Bill Earley
Former COO/General Counsel
West Health
West Health

‘85 Sociology, ‘87 Aerospace Engineering, ‘97 EMBA
Christine Probett
Lecturer of Management & Information Systems, Fowler College of Business
Former Aerospace Executive, NASA
Former Aerospace Executive, NASA

‘81 Management
Andrew Esparza
Former Chief Human Resources Officer
Dell Corporation, Baker Hughes
Dell Corporation, Baker Hughes

‘79 Marketing
Mark McMillin
Former President & CEO
Corky McMillin Companies
Corky McMillin Companies

‘57 Accounting
William E. Cole
Leaf & Cole, LLP
Leaf & Cole, LLP

‘83 Finance
Greg Fowler
Managing Partner and Founder
FPA Multifamily
FPA Multifamily

‘66 Accounting
Raymond V. Dittamore
Former Partner
Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young

‘78 Education
Ralph Rubio
Rubio’s Coastal Grill
Rubio’s Coastal Grill

‘92 Accounting
Catherine Stiefel
Former Assistant Controller
Petco Animal Supplies
Petco Animal Supplies
Ralph R. Pesqueira
‘57 Business
Owner & President
El Indo Shops Inc.
Owner & President
El Indo Shops Inc.
F. Duwaine Townsen
‘63 Accounting
Founder and Managing Partner
Ventana Growth Funds
Randy J. Johnson
‘76 Marketing
Former Vice President
SBC Global
Gerald Davee
‘58 Management
Former Partner
Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps
R. Michael Pack
‘70 Finance
Owner & CEO
SunCal Outdoor Advising
Owner & CEO
SunCal Outdoor Advising
Craig Stevens
‘82 Finance
Founder, Mar West Ventures
Co-founder, Sea Point Partners, Inc.
Founder, Mar West Ventures
Co-founder, Sea Point Partners, Inc.
Art Flaming
‘60 Marketing
Founder & CEO
The Tierra Corporation
Founder & CEO
The Tierra Corporation
Stephen Coslik
‘71 Finance
Chairman & CEO
The Woodmont Company
Chairman & CEO
The Woodmont Company
Art Nicholas
‘72 Finance
Nicholas-Applegate and Nicholas Investment
Nicholas-Applegate and Nicholas Investment
Rebecca Harshberger
'84 Marketing
VP and Practice Leader of Payroll Tax
Entertainment Partners
VP and Practice Leader of Payroll Tax
Entertainment Partners
Susan Nowakowski
‘89 MBA
CEO, President & Director
AMN Healthcare Services
CEO, President & Director
AMN Healthcare Services
Mark Snell
‘80 Accounting
Former President
Sempra Energy
Former President
Sempra Energy
Frederick Watson Pierce, IV
‘84 Finance, ‘88 MBA
Founder, President & CEO
Pierce Education Properties
Founder, President & CEO
Pierce Education Properties
Bill Brack
‘76 Finance
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
Bill Early
‘86 Finance
American Red Cross of San Diego/Imperial Counties
American Red Cross of San Diego/Imperial Counties
Jennifer Fall Young
‘93 Finance, ‘94 MBA
The Duckhorn Portfolio
The Duckhorn Portfolio
Honorary Doctorates
James Sinegal, ’99
Ronald Fowler, ’05
Malin Burnham, ’09
Leonard Lavin, ’12
Linda Lang, ‘13
Susan Salka, ’16
Harold Brown, ‘17
Sally Roush, ‘19
Dianne Bashor, ’22
Alumni Association's Outstanding Faculty Contributor Award

2022-23 | Michelle Dean, Ph. D. |
2021-22 | Kamal Haddad, Ph. D. |
2020-21 | Chamu Sundaramurthy, Ph. D. |
2019-20 | Janie Chang |
2018-19 | Bongsik Shin |
2017-18 | Murray Jennex |
2016-17 | Martina Musteen |
2015-16 | Gary Grudnitski |
2014-15 | Mehdi Salehizadeh |
2013-14 | Gerald Whittenburg |
2012-13 | Don Sciglimpaglia |
2011-12 | James Beatty |
2010-11 | Bruce Reinig |
2009-10 | Kathy Krentler |
2008-09 | Alex DeNoble |
2007-08 | Mickey Belch |
2006-07 | David Ely |
2005-06 | Nikhil Varaiya |
2004-05 | Ken Marino |
2003-04 | George Belch |
2002-03 | David Hampton |
2001-02 | Chee Chow |
2000-01 | Mark Butler |
1999-00 | Thomas Warschauer |
1998-99 | Penny Wright |
1997-98 | Pieter Vandenberg |
1996-97 | Michael Hergert |
1995-96 | Theophilus Addo |
1994-95 | James Lackritz |
1993-94 | George Belch |
1992-93 | William Sherrard |
1991-92 | Milton Chen |
1990-91 | Gretchen Vik |
1989-90 | Gerald Whittenburg |
1988-89 | Michael Hergert |
1987-88 | Chee Chow |
1986-87 | Charles Lamden |
1985-86 | David Belcher |
1984-85 | James Beatty |
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