Tat Family

June 15, 2022

Kevin Tat (‘91, Finance/Real Estate) and Katherine Tat (Soph., Accountancy)

Tat Family

Katherine (left) Tat with her dad Kevin Tat stand next to SDSU’s Hepner Hall

Did your college experience influence your parenting style? If so, how?
Kevin: With my SDSU experience and a business degree, I raised Katherine with an emphasis on education, saving, investing, having fun, learning from mistakes and finding the positives, rather than dwelling on the negatives.

Did your dad’s education at SDSU inspire you to attend? 
Katherine: I have always looked up to my dad, but it wasn't until high school that I considered attending San Diego State. During the college application/admittance window, my dad's stories about the opportunities he found at State convinced me to commit here rather than to the other schools where I’d applied. From his experience and testimonials from my relatives, I knew that I would be able to receive a strong education while building a network with both students and business professionals at SDSU.

How do you think your SDSU experience was different from Katherine’s?
Kevin: I was the first person in my family to attend college, and there was no internet back then. I did not know how to seek assistance, when needed. The resources at SDSU are much better now than my time at SDSU. Also, there seems to be more transparency, and the professors are better and are held more accountable. 

When do you anticipate earning your bachelor’s degree?
Katherine: I am currently on track to graduate a year early in 2024. Since I am a member of the Fowlers Scholars Program, I am considering applying for the BMACC program to finish my M.S. degree in Accountancy during my fourth year at State.