Stewart Family

June 15, 2022

Andrew Stewart (‘89, Finance/Real Estate) and Eric Stewart (Senior, Management)

Stewart Family Andrew Stewart (left) and his son, Eric Stewart

Did your college experience influence your parenting style? If so, how?
Andrew: Yes, my college experience helped me as a father. When interacting with many people during college, you learn a lot about communication in many situations. Also, the hard work involved as well as the social experience was exposed to my son.

Did your dad’s education at SDSU inspire you to attend? 
Eric: Yes, my dad’s experience did inspire me to attend State. Growing up I heard many stories from my dad and his friends about how much they enjoyed coming to SDSU which made me want to come here. I have also always wanted to be a successful business leader like my dad. To do that, I wanted to come to the place where it all started. 

How do you think your SDSU experience was different from Eric’s?
Andrew: Technology is different today and I think the curriculum is more demanding. 

When do you anticipate earning your bachelor’s degree?
Eric: I hope to graduate next semester in December 2022.

How has your experience at SDSU impacted your life?
Andrew: I have great memories and I believe SDSU was very hands on. I was prepared upon graduation to start my career working in real estate development and finance, and I made friends for life!

Eric: It has been pretty cool to share the experience with my dad. Some things haven’t changed from when he went here in the late 1980’s. When I have a son or daughter, I hope they attend SDSU one day.