Supergirl Surf Pro
The Super Girl Surf Pro is the only large-scale all women’s action sports, esports and lifestyle series in the world. Conveniently, it is just down the road from SDSU in Oceanside! The event is an inspiring celebration of women’s involvement in the sporting industry and we are delighted to support it every year by providing our SMBA students as volunteers. This year we had nearly all of our students working in a variety of roles from assisting the event director, to coordinating VIP hospitality. Our students had the opportunity to learn what goes on behind the scenes to make an event of such a scale happen and run smoothly, and what a role in event operations entails. They were able to work closely with staff from ASA Entertainment and even interact with some of the professional athletes who were participating. Following the event, one of our students, Lauren Dundee, was fortunate to be invited to work at the Super Girl Surf Pro event in Jacksonville, FL at the beginning of November.