Fowler Marketing Professor Named SDSU’s Senate Distinguished Professor for 2023 – 24
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The recipient of the Senate Teaching Excellence Award is selected annually by the University Honors and Awards Committee, who reviews a slate of nominations submitted by the deans of the university’s academic colleges. Each dean nominates one professor from their respective colleges for award consideration based on the professor’s outstanding teaching performance. The committee —comprised of four SDSU faculty, one student and three alumni — select the recipient of their choice which then must be approved by the SDSU Senate.
Cornelis was nominated for the award based on her commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive environment in the classroom, and her passion for social justice and environmental sustainability which she incorporates into innovative student lesson plans. Additionally, she developed two courses within Fowler’s curriculum which did not exist previously: Sports and Society (MKTG 729) for students in the Sports MBA program, and Sustainable Marketing (MKTG 496) based upon her published research on sustainable business and consumption.
“To me, teaching is the epitome of public service and I’m driven by the knowledge that education is a powerful tool that can literally change the world,” said Cornelis. “For this reason, I am incredibly honored to accept this year’s Senate Teaching Excellence Award.”
“Erlinde is passionate about bringing innovative and engaging educational approaches to her classroom and is proactive in building a supportive environment to a diverse set of learners,” said Heather Honea, Chair of the Fowler College of Business’ marketing department. “She channels her passion in a manner that motives engagement and supports active learning. She enlists real companies with real business problems and the challenges her students to come up with solutions that are good for people, the planet and the bottom line. By providing her students with hands-on, experiential learning projects in business sustainability, Erlilnde builds their competencies and purpose. This is the workforce we need for the next century.”
Cornelis will be presented with her award in April following her presentation where she will share information about her teaching journey and inspirations.