Fowler Announces Faculty Promotions and Retirements
May 11, 2023
Four professors from the Fowler College of Business have recently been granted promotions and/or tenure, while two other faculty members have announced their retirement.
Professors who were granted tenure/promotions are:

Kaveh Abhari (Management Information Systems) – Promotion to professor

Mujtaba Ahsan (Management) – Promotion to professor

Dwarka Chakravarty (Management) - Tenure and promotion to associate professor

Yan Luo (Accounting) - Promotion to professor
All promotions will be effective starting in the fall semester of 2023.
Faculty who are retiring from the university are:

*Alex DeNoble (Management) – Professor and executive director of the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center

Nancy Jones (Accounting) – Lecturer
The Fowler College of Business would like to thank Alex and Nancy for their years of dedicated service.
*Entering into the Faculty Early Retirement Program – Will be teaching during fall semester 2023