Student Organization Spotlight: Collegiate Sales Society

Christian Wilson, President of CSS.
The Fowler College of Business is highlighting the Collegiate Sales Society (CSS), a student organization that helps students prepare for a career in sales post-graduation. CSS offers students a variety of opportunities to grow their professional skills and network. Christian Wilson (Senior, Finance and Marketing), President of CSS, describes the personal development opportunities CSS hosts, the importance of networking, and more!
About the Collegiate Sales Society (CSS)
Q: What events, gatherings, and activities does your organization host?
The Collegiate Sales Society hosts monthly meetings featuring leaders within the sales industry such as tech sales, medical device sales, payroll, and more. We also have connections from Vendition who help edit resumes, optimize LinkedIn profiles, and prepare us for interviews for our post-graduation sales careers. Our organization also offers a Salesforce certification that comes with a LinkedIn badge!
Q: Why should students join your organization?
Students should join our organization for our career building and personal development opportunities that will prepare you for your career. We also don’t have any dues, so students can receive these benefits for free!
Q: How can a student get involved with your organization?
Students can learn more about our organization on our website or email me directly at [email protected].
Q: How does your organization connect with the community outside of SDSU?
We connect students with people and resources that are from the real world, outside of the classroom.
Q: When does your organization meet?
We meet on the last Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm on Zoom.
Q: What are your organization’s social media handles?
Instagram: @css_sdsu
Q: Anything else you’d like to add about your organization.
There is so much value in our organization, for absolutely no cost. Adding your involvement in this organization looks fantastic on a resume if you’re hoping to go into sales and you’re able to build connections that could last a lifetime. You get as much out of it as you want.
Q & A with Christian Wilson, CSS President
Q: As a student leader involved with an organization at SDSU, can you share why you got involved and what your experience has been like so far?
I got involved to experience something new, grow my current skill set, and get out of my comfort zone. My experience in a leadership role has been interesting as I am learning new ways to communicate and how to provide value to a group of people who look to you for the next step.

CSS 2022-2023 Executive Members: Lanie Anderson (Vice President), Brant Gass (VP of Marketing), Matt Miller (VP of Finance), and Elias Ramirez (VP of Recruiting).
Q: What experience with your organization has been the most impactful?
The most impactful experience has been hosting guest speakers who I had never met before because I’ve gained skills in cold outreach which will be beneficial in the near future.
Q: Why is getting involved on campus important to you?
Getting involved on campus is important because your network should constantly be growing. You should always push yourself, obtain new knowledge, and meet new people.
Q: What is the best advice you have for future Fowler College of Business students?
Talk, talk, talk. Introduce yourself to everyone and make as many friends as possible. You never know which of these friends are going to work at Amazon, Google, Apple, etc. It is in your best interest to have as many connections as possible so by the time graduation comes around, you have a solid list of contacts to reach out to for help. Connections are EVERYTHING.
Q: What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that is why they
call it the present.
Q: What career aspirations do you have following your time at SDSU?
After graduation, I plan to pursue a career in tech sales, SDR, or BRD and then work my way up to an Account Executive within a year. From Account Executive, I hope to hold a senior role and then lead a sales team on my own and do enterprise level deals.
Q: Pancakes or Waffles?
Waffles, easily!
Q: Instagram or TikTok?
Q: Action or comedy movie?
Q: Panchos or Trujuillos?
Panchos all day
Q: Favorite show to binge watch?
Q: Fun Fact?
I’ve been to over 10 national parks!