Webb Family

June 15, 2022

Alex Webb (‘88, Accounting), Alyssandra Webb (Junior, Management) and Arianna Webb (Freshman, Management)

Webb Family

Arianna (left), Alex (center) and Alyssandra Webb

Did your college experience influence your parenting style? If so, how?
Alex: I would say yes. When I was in high school, I was not really involved in any extracurricular activities. In my second year attending SDSU, I realized that in order to achieve my goal of becoming a CPA at one of the "Big Eight" Accounting firms (there were that many back then), I needed to become involved in extracurricular activities to differentiate myself beyond just obtaining the high grades.  I ultimately joined Beta Alpha Psi and became involved in a large project updating and pulling together the BAY alumni directly, which gave me exposure to current and former BAY members. I ended up being hired by Deloitte and Touch and obtained my CPA. As my girls were growing up, I always encouraged them to be involved in lots of activities, including sports, clubs and charities. This has carried over into their tenure at SDSU, where they are both very involved in their sororities.

Did your dad’s education at SDSU inspire you to attend? 
Alyssandra: For as long as I can remember, my dad has taken us on family vacations to San Diego every year because he grew up there. Hearing stories about his time in San Diego as a child and as a college student created this sense of belonging for me in San Diego. Seeing how successful and hardworking my dad has become with his education from SDSU confirmed that this is the place to be for me. I had always known that San Diego is where I wanted to end up, and when I got into the SDSU Weber Honors College, I knew SDSU was the place for me, and my dad couldn't have been more proud. 

Arianna: I chose SDSU because I saw the amazing experience my sister was having as a student and I wanted that experience too. I saw that the school really pushed her socially and academically and I wanted to be pushed more out of my comfort zone; I really couldn’t have chosen better. 

How do you think your SDSU experience was different from Alyssandra and Arianna’s?
Alex: I was born and raised in San Diego. I did not live on campus and commuted from home. Both of my girls were born and grew up in San Jose. They both have lived on or off campus to attend SDSU. I feel like they have been able to enjoy more of the full university experience, being able to be out of on their own and getting more exposure to living independently and making new friends.

Alyssandra and Arianna, when do you anticipate earning your bachelor’s degree?
Alyssandra: I will be earning my bachelor's degree in management, as well as two minors in interdisciplinary studies and finance, in May 2023. I am currently studying abroad in Spain to fulfill course requirements as well.

Arianna: I anticipate I will get my bachelor’s degree in spring 2025.

Can you share some of your thoughts about attending SDSU? 

Alex: I have some great memories about going to SDSU and I'm enjoying seeing my girls have the many unique experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Alyssandra: As an incoming freshman in 2019, I was pretty nervous and did not know what to expect at SDSU at all. I can proudly say now that coming to SDSU was the best decision I could have made in terms of my education, my happiness, and my future. As my senior year comes closer and closer, I get a bit nostalgic, because it seems like just yesterday I was saying goodbye to my parents in front of Zura Hall after they helped move me in!