Gitre Family

June 14, 2022

Kevin Gitre (‘81, Marketing) and Jack Gitre (Senior, Management)

Gitre Family

Jack Gitre (left) with his father, Kevin Gitre

Did your college experience influence your parenting style? If so, how?
Kevin: Yes, without question my college experience, and in particular, my experience playing Aztec rugby. We had a good side and pulled off an amazing rugby tour to New Zealand in 1979. The lessons I learned about accountability, discipline, teamwork, and physical fitness were passed along and instilled in Jack when he took up the sport when he was 8 years old. I had a chance to be his coach for many years until he played on the Cathedral Catholic High team. His rugby career at SDSU was derailed by COVID and injuries, but he still supports the team.

Did your dad’s education at SDSU inspire you to attend? 
Jack: In part, yes. My dad has been a key role model in both my academic and athletic career. As my coach he pushed me to train and work harder and focus on my strengths. San Diego State was the beginning of his 15-year rugby career which I am thankful for as his love for the sport was passed down to me. My dad has excelled in his career and become well respected by both colleagues and clients, who always have a good word to share every time I have the pleasure of meeting them. Seeing his success on both the field and in his career can all be traced back to San Diego State University which influenced my decision to attend this school.

How do you think your SDSU experience was different from Jack’s?
Kevin: Well, from my vantage point, the facilities and opportunities offered at state have improved immensely. I also think the COVID situation made it very different. 

When do you anticipate earning your bachelor’s degree?
Jack: I plan on finishing my degree in business administration with an emphasis in management in the fall of 2022.

What advice would you give today’s SDSU students?
Kevin: There is so much opportunity to participate in the various organizations on campus. Get involved, create new experiences, and meet new people. Also, I highly recommend networking with SDSU alums in the community. Many are anxious to help and mentor ambitious students. Finally, don’t forget to call your dad from time to time. He will love it!