Class of 2022 Career Spotlight: Maile Castillo

June 30, 2022
Maile Castillo, Class of 2022.

Maile Castillo, Class of 2022.

Networking Skills and Passion Allow Marketing Graduate to Secure Dream Job at The Walt Disney Company 

Growing up in an immigrant household, Maile Castillo believed that success was dependent on pursuing specific careers which led her to major in biology. After changing her major multiple times, Castillo finally decided to pursue her passion for creativity and study marketing. 

While at SDSU, Maile took advantage of all the opportunities available which led her to grow her network and communication skills. These attributes set her up for a successful interview process with The Walt Disney Company where she was offered the role of Social Media Coordinator for Disney Branded Television. She is thrilled to begin this new career journey and reflects on how SDSU prepared her for this new chapter. 

Q: Can you describe a little bit about yourself and how/when you decided to pursue marketing as an area of study? 

I have always been a creative person. In high school, I was known for my drawing skills and while in college, I even showcased my work in several art galleries. I knew I was meant to have a job that centered around creativity, but because I am from an immigrant household, the mentality was if you’re not a lawyer or doctor, you’re not going to make money. With that, I pursued biology… then biochemistry…and finally nursing. After changing my major three times, a horrible experience with my first medical internship led me to change my major one last time. Since marketing was a complete 180 from what I was studying originally, I had to start over. Four years later, I finally transferred to SDSU to pursue a degree in marketing. Looking back now, I spent a lot of time figuring out what I wanted to do, but I needed time to build up the courage to choose a career that I wanted for myself - not one that others wanted for me. My decisions ultimately led to me receiving six educational degrees and my dream job! 

Q: Describe the position you will begin after graduation (job functions, key role). 

Funny enough, I began my role with The Walt Disney Company (TWDC) a week before I graduated. As a Social Media Coordinator, I am responsible for creating, moving, and promoting creative assets for Disney branded social platforms. I work with talent to promote the shows or movies they are starring in to create content that their audience would enjoy and engage with. The more exciting part of my job is being able to go to movie premieres and large popular events to capture behind the scenes content. 

Q: When did you receive your official job offer and what was your reaction when you received the offer? 

I received the official job offer in mid April. My recruiter sent an email saying that she had some great news to share with me so I suspected I got the job. An hour later, I received a phone call from her saying, “I would like to extend you the offer!” I couldn’t hold my excitement in. I already cried when I saw the email but, when I heard her confirm my position, I was just overjoyed. I probably made her deaf with all my yelling. For some context, I sent over 100+ applications to work for TWDC over a period of 4 years. To hear that my dream has finally come true is both a magical moment and surreal one to say the least. I went on to start my position the second week of May, a week before graduation. 

Castillo and fellow Disney employees.

Castillo and fellow Disney employees.

Q: How did you get connected with this company and position?

Disney has always been a part of my life. My dad used to send hand-drawn pictures of Disney characters back home when he went on long business trips and my mother was obsessed with Winnie the Pooh and used to take me to Disneyland every year for my birthday. Disneyland became my home away from home so naturally, I grew to love everything Disney. In college, I put all my efforts into connecting with marketing professionals to gain insight into the company culture, work environment, and day-to-day responsibilities. Through LinkedIn, I came across a job listing posted by one of my connections that worked with the company. I immediately applied and luckily for me, that connection was also one of my interviewers. Safe to say, I created an advantage for myself which led me to getting the job offer.

Q: Did you use any other campus resources to help you acquire this position? If so, describe the support. 

No, and I regret it. It could’ve made my journey easier. 

Q: Are there specific skills you learned at SDSU (in class or otherwise) that helped you with the role’s qualifications? 

Learning how to effectively communicate is the most prominent skill I’ve learned. As a transfer student, I knew no one so I forced myself to talk to as many people as I could and get over my fear of speaking up in class. I allowed myself to share my thoughts and opinions and to let go of the fear of judgment. In doing so, I’m able to communicate effectively with my co-workers and share my creative ideas without any hesitation.  

Q: What advice do you have for fellow students, regardless of their field, looking to jumpstart their career and land their first job post-graduation? 

  • GET YOURSELF A LINKEDIN PROFILE. I literally can’t stress this enough. Many people sleep on this tool. Networking and cold in-mailing or emailing can help open so many doors for you. You’ll be surprised to see how many people are willing to help you grow and achieve your goals.
  • Applying to jobs is a numbers game. Apply to everything that you are qualified for, and even some that you’re not. For some perspective, I applied to over 160+ different positions and only got 4 interviews, and one job offer.
  • Get a mentor. My mentor was a technical director for Disney parks. He was not within my desired field, but he gave me valuable advice on how to land a job with Disney and the occasional BTS picture of his latest project he worked on.
  • Be active on campus. Being around like-minded people will help you get through some of your toughest moments. Castillo was involved in various campus organizations, including Alpha Kappa Psi.

    Castillo was involved in various campus organizations, including Alpha Kappa Psi.

  • Do any internship that you can get your hands on that relates to your field of interest. Start building your experience early.

Q: What is it that you are most looking forward to as you kick start this next chapter?

I look forward to meeting people and getting to attend events people only dream of going to. Engaging with talent, attending movie premieres, working BTS activities, and traveling is what I look forward to the most. Every day is an adventure with my job and I’m excited to see where it goes. 

Q: What experience at SDSU has changed your life the most?

Meeting other like-minded and driven people. I participated in various organizations and surrounded myself with people that wanted to succeed and wanted to see others succeed. The support and encouragement from others helped conquer the feelings of “I’m not good enough.” 

Q: What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU? 

If you weren’t ready, you wouldn’t have the opportunity. 

P.S: If anyone is interested in marketing, entertainment, or Disney, feel free to email me at [email protected]. I would love to help you reach your professional goals! 

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