Spotlight: SDSU Fowler 2022 Grads
Congratulations to the SDSU Fowler College of Business Class of 2022! We are so excited to celebrate your time as students as well as look forward to all of your accomplishments as alumni.
This page will be updated regularly with new spotlights on some of this year's graduating seniors. Are you graduating in May? Fill out this Google Form if you're interested in being featured!

Katie Carozza (Marketing - IMC)
Grand Junction, CO
Campus Involvements:
Pi Beta Phi and the Fowler College of Business
Will Miss:
The community on campus, my sorority, and the food!
Katie Carozza Q&A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
Freshman year football game tailgates and class, of course!
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
The most influential faculty or staff members have been the Marketing and Communications team at the Fowler College of Business, Janey Jennings and Gema Deleon. They've taught me so much about business and the marketing field.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
The best advice I've received has been from my Dad. He always tells me "C's get degrees" and while I refuse to get a C and focus on classes a lot, this statement reminds me that college is just as much about class as it is being young and on your own. It forces me to remember to take in all of the experiences I have while I'm here and not let the stress take over.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
I would tell an incoming freshman to be as present as possible and keep going no matter the challenges you're facing. You're in the right place and you're supposed to be here.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
I'm most proud of my choice to take on a minor. I've always been interested in art, especially photography, and adding a minor in art has given me space to grow confidence in that field.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I've accepted a position at BR Printers in San Diego as the Digital Marketing Coordinator.
Rahaf Ishtiah (General Business)
Nablus, Palestine
Campus Involvements:
Middle Eastern Student Union (MESU)
Will Miss:
Hanging out on campus and in Starbucks with friends
Rahaf Ishtiah Q&A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
Meeting new friends and making a great, strong friendship that will last forever.
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
Professor Kristin Ehrich because she is the most kind and great professor I’ve had.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
Don’t work hard, work smart.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Chase your dream and be proud of your achievements.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
I started school in Fall 2020 as a health care worker at a new school in a different school system than community college, but I survived and graduated on time.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I’m going to start my own business where I will send vitamins, supplements, and over the counter medications to other countries (especially in the Middle East) since their access to those products in local drug stores is limited.
Pablo Gentile (Finance)
Rosario, Argentina
Campus Involvements:
Sports Business Initiative and Tennis Club
Will Miss:
The sense of community, vast resources, and my strong friendships.
Pablo Gentile Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
I am very passionate about music, I played the guitar when I was younger and I had a rock band in Argentina. So having the chance to see great artists perform at SDSU was truly amazing and inspiring! My favorite memory is inviting my sister to see Alejandro Sanz perform at the Cal Coast Credit Union Amphitheater.
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
Mark Lindner and professor Stefano Gubellini were the most influential individuals while at SDSU. The way they interact with students is so inspiring and motivating, they treated us as professionals instead of just undergraduate students. Also, they have the capacity to explain hard things in a simple way, and to me, that is exceptional.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
There are too many, but the best advice I have received is the emphasis on finding your passions and pursuing them with curiosity and very aggressively. You do not want to be awakened at 6:30 am by an alarm clock and fight traffic to get to a place you do not enjoy being at, and on top of that, you have to be grateful for the opportunity to do so.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
It starts with getting to know you and your goals. With so many opportunities to follow your personal path available at SDSU, I suggest getting involved as much as you can. This includes activities, events, clubs, leadership opportunities, or other chances for personal growth. That will help you maximize your time at SDSU and create opportunities for building social and professional networks. Coming into a new space can be challenging, so it's okay to be shy but please ask a lot of questions. Lastly, know that not everything will go according to plan, and that’s also okay! Do your best, stay curious, and things will work out in the end.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I plan to find a position that allows me to combine my interests in finance and technology where I can gain valuable work experience before I pursue my MBA. The nice thing about being an SDSU student is that your education prepares you to pursue different careers, so choosing only one is not necessary. I am very excited for my future!
Breanna Muir (HR Management)
Temecula, CA
Campus Involvements:
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Will Miss:
Shake Smart. Hands down. I love Shake Smart.
Breanna Muir Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
My favorite SDSU memory is walking through Aztec Student Union and seeing the therapy dogs during rigorous academic periods of the semester (like finals week) and all of the students sitting with them.
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
Professor Michelle Dean was the most influential faculty member at SDSU. Professor Dean taught my first human resources class and because of her class, I grew my confidence in my chosen major. Then, a few semesters later, I joined SHRM SDSU where Professor Dean created a valuable, fun experience.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
The best advice I received during my time at SDSU is: "You will get out what you put in" - especially in regards to getting active on campus.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
I would recommend incoming students to use the Career Services Center. I came in as an undeclared major and the Career Services Center helped me find my way to my major. I also would tell incoming students to get to know their professors and classmates. And finally: get involved.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
I am proud of choosing my major and loving my decision. After help from the SDSU Career Services Center, lots of examinations, and self reflection, I found myself in a major that I am truly happy with and a career field I am excited to enter.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
My next step is to keep making moves that will aid in my goal to better myself and the world. This may be in the form of jobs, volunteer opportunities, certifications, or anything similar.
Alanie Abron (Marketing - IMC)
Los Angeles, CA
Campus Involvements:
Delta Sigma Pi, Associated Students, Black Business Society, Residential Education Office, Student African American Sisterhood, and Residence Hall Association
Will Miss:
The abundant resources that helped me grow as a professional and person
Alanie Abron Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
Finding mentors my freshman year that taught me how to have pride in my identity and capabilities.
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
My most influential faculty member is Paige Hernandez, Director of the Center of Intercultural Relations.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
Don’t be afraid of what others think of you. Own your narrative.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Believe in yourself and take advantage of the growth opportunities available to you!
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
Not only being the first in my family to graduate college, but also being an inspiration and mentor to those around me.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I plan to get a job as a junior marketing strategist for a creative agency.
Allie Pelletier (HR Management)
Wanaque, NJ
Campus Involvements:
Alpha Gamma Delta, A.S. Food Pantry, A.S. Elections Committee, Food Recovery Network, and SHRM
Will Miss:
Getting to live with my best friends!
Allie Pelletier Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
Meeting my best friends!
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
Professor Tyler Thompson was one of the best and most involved professors that I had in my time at SDSU. I took his Business Writing course in the Spring of 2020 where we learned about and wrote business plans. He was so passionate about our success and I know he is a professor that I will be able to reach out to years down the line if I ever need to.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
Find something you're passionate about and do everything you can to pursue it. You'll never work a day in your life if you're passionate about what you do.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
You will find the best adventures and most important lessons once you step outside of your comfort zone. Take these four years (or more) to make new friends, join every club that sparks passion, and say yes to every adventure.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
My independent study abroad program in Fall 2021 where I had the opportunity to study and explore in Paris and London.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I am moving back to the East Coast and in hopes of pursuing a career in HR within the Biotech or Technology sectors.
Meghan Mahoney (Marketing)
Sacramento, CA
Campus Involvements:
Gamma Phi Beta, TAMID, Noah Hytken Memorial Fund, President of the Fowler College of Business Council, Student Marketing Assistant for the Fowler College of Business, Social Media Marketing Assistant for SDSU, and Academic Advisor.
Will Miss:
The people! I will miss walking around campus and seeing everyone.
Meghan Mahoney Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
My favorite SDSU memory is getting selected for the Homecoming Court this year with some of my friends and getting honored alongside them at the Homecoming football game! My family and friends from home came to support me and it was such a wonderful memory.
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
Gema Deleon and Janey Jennings have had the most positive impact on my life. I was lucky enough to intern for them during the pandemic and the experience kept me excited about both SDSU and life in general during tough times. Throughout my last two years of college, Gema and Janey have inspired me to go out of my comfort zone, be the best I can be, and take chances. I sincerely would not be where I am today without them and for that I am forever grateful! They have been the most supportive, kind, and inspiring mentors to me and I am going to miss seeing them at SDSU very much. It makes me feel very happy knowing I can always count on them for great advice and a good laugh! I love you, Gema and Janey!
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
My mentor and friend, Anya Stutovska, told me freshman year that it is okay to say “no” in order to avoid burnout. This was the best advice anyone could have ever given me because sometimes it is hard to say “no” in college when there are so many interesting opportunities and organizations out there! Despite the times when I felt stressed and overwhelmed with a busy schedule, a little too much on my plate, and a lot of responsibility, I also felt comfort in knowing that I only pursued opportunities that made me happy. I know many peers at SDSU who were able to juggle “more” than me (as they balanced numerous on-campus organizations, part-time jobs, and school all at once) and while I was impressed by their efforts and achievements, I also knew that I personally could only handle a few things at a time. I am proud of how I listened to my gut and followed Anya’s advice throughout college because overall it enabled me to maintain my happiness, healthy habits, and high GPA!
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Do not be afraid to take chances, try new things, or meet new people! You never know which friend, organization, new hobby, or leadership position will change your life for the better.
Also, never stop believing in yourself and only surround yourself with people who uplift you. Failure is either a lesson or redirection. Do not compare yourself to others who seem like they have it all figured out (they don’t) because comparison is the thief of joy. Be happy for others’ achievements and focus on cultivating authentic relationships. You are about to start one of the most exciting chapters of your life so never take any moment for granted! Leave a legacy you are proud of – it all starts at the beginning.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
I am most proud of my time as President of the Fowler College of Business Council (CBC) this past year. The relationships I built with staff, faculty, and students are invaluable to me; together, we were able to execute council meetings and events that directly impacted business students for the better. I am proud of my entire executive board for helping CBC grow and thrive despite the many challenges we encountered when returning to campus after a year and a half online. I am also grateful for and proud of all the wonderful opportunities that have been presented to me because of this position, including being selected for SDSU’s Homecoming Court, monitoring a speaker panel for the Women in Leadership Conference, and serving as a member of the Fowler College of Business Dean Search Committee. I am forever thankful for this leadership experience!
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I do not have it figured out yet but my goal in life is to be a self-made rich grandma!
Morgan Piecukonis (MIS)
Carlsbad, CA
Campus Involvements:
Delta Sigma Pi, Human Resources Assistant and a Payroll Assistant for Associated Students, and Student Assistant for SDSU IT Division
Will Miss:
Being able to be a part of a community where I can walk around campus and always see a familiar face!
Morgan Piecukonis Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
My favorite SDSU memory is joining my professional business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, my freshman year. This organization immediately became my home on campus. I have met so many different kinds of friends from all different walks of life who have all taught me something new. I also learned a lot for my professional career from this organization.
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
The most influential Faculty at SDSU for me has to be one of my last MIS professors, Professor Jacob Doiron from my Info Systems Design course. He is a very helpful and honest professor who not only gave valuable lessons through his course material, such as the large design project we had to do for the class, but also taught me other valuable MIS technical skills and career skills that will carry on with me post graduation.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
Do not be afraid to put yourself out there, it's cliche, but it is true.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Your network is incredibly valuable so invest in it and if you put yourself in positive positions of discomfort you will see lots of growth!
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
I improved the user experience for SDSU's ServiceNow IT Service Management platform for all faculty and staff at SDSU. I consolidated around 30 different IT incident forms that led to different help desks for different SDSU departments, all into one auto-routing form on our ServiceNow platform at SDSU. As a result, it is less confusing for users to try and determine which help desk their issue should go to. If you ever use that form (which some students are able), know that it was me who made it!
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I will be starting a full-time position with ServiceNow themselves in July as an Associate Solutions Consultant in their ITX team. I hope to be able to learn lots from this position and explore my career in IT with ServiceNow! I am also hoping that I will be able to travel all over the world as it gets safer with the Covid-19 pandemic. My next international stop I hope will be South Korea and my next U.S. stop will likely be New York!

Roberto Sacripanti (MSIS)
Porto Sant'Elpidio, Italy
Campus Involvements:
SDSU Heart Research Institute and ZIP Launchpad
Will Miss:
Hanging out with friends in the union!
Roberto Sacripanti Q&A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
Oh gosh I have so many! Aztec Nights were my favorite event throughout my undergraduate years. Once I came back for my MBA 4 years later and we started the program online, I have to highlight the hilarious late night Zoom sessions with my friends! Once we went back to campus, I loved every laugh and study group I shared in the library!
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
All of them have been very influential, either with their words of wisdom or through their wonderful teaching experience. If I had to pick one, then I'd say Professor Xialu Liu made me fall in love with data analytics and ultimately pushed me towards my MBA specialization in Management Information Systems!
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
"No excuses, just dominate! No matter what life throws at you, just keep showing up!" That definitely helped me increase my resiliency and strength to never give up, even when I did not feel like studying or getting out of bed to go to school.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Do YOU! It's okay to test new things, so just follow your passion and do not listen to the naysayers! Live, love, laugh - make new friends, try new experiences, explore the city. This period of your life only happens once...and a 4.0 GPA won't make up for it! Create your own support and accountability system to avoid burnout and overwhelm - and most importantly, to keep staying positive throughout your academic journey.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
Being elected as the project manager of our capstone consulting group for a Fortune 500 client was pretty sweet...but I have to say I am most proud of having contributed to the success of my peers. I genuinely show up for the people that need me the most, and being appreciated and recognized for it definitely made me the proudest.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I am an aspiring Product Manager, but the ultimate goal is finding an exciting opportunity - regardless of the job title - where I can put all new learnings into practice. Hopefully I will be able to break into healthcare IT or tech!
Nicolette Fontaine (Marketing)
Morgan Hill, CA
Campus Involvements:
Women in Business and American Marketing Association
Will Miss:
The close friendships and connections I have made, my job with A.S, classes, and student organizations.
Nicolette Fontaine Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
All of the Aztec nights have been so fun! The carnival ones were the best.
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
My boss, Antonio Faustino, has been a great role model on and off the job. He has pushed me to become a better employee and person. I am grateful for all of his guidance and help throughout my 3 years working at A.S.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
Enjoy your 4 years here because they go by really fast!
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Do not be afraid to venture out of your comfort zone and join organizations that peak your interest. I wish I had joined more organizations my freshmen year.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
I won an Outstanding Performance Award at my job on campus through A.S. It was for my exceptional employee contributions to the union programs and services.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I am in search of a full time role in marketing! I am taking the summer to relax and then I’ll be ready to start my professional career. We shall see where I end up in summer.
Jacob Merilo (Real Estate)
Los Angeles, CA
Campus Involvements:
Real Estate Management internship
Will Miss:
The absolute drive of everyone in the real estate program. It's hard to find that kind of community anywhere else.
Jacob Merilo Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
My favorite memory at SDSU was playing Intramural Basketball with my friends after long study sessions on the third floor of the Love Library!
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
The most influential Faculty member that I have encountered at SDSU was Dr. Pierzak. He was my Real Estate Investments and Real Estate Valuations professor. The way that Dr. Pierzak paints the picture and applies a concept to the CRE Industry is done in a way that would allow a child to understand. He breaks everything down so well; he is truly an expert in the industry. After working in the industry, obtaining a PhD, and going on to teach the future generation, he still has time to provide advice and help you every step of the way. Dr. Pierzak and I share a lot of the same interests, so our relationship goes outside of school. When I was lucky enough to obtain two different job offers before graduating, Dr. Pierzak helped me navigate my way through the industry.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
The best advice I have received at SDSU was from alumnus Mark Varo of the RVR Group in Beverly Hills. Mark is an ultra-high net worth Wealth Manager, ranked by Forbes as a Top 100 Advisor. He once said to me, “Learn as much as you can both inside and outside of the classroom. Differentiate yourself, make yourself marketable.” In life, we truly have to go above and beyond to succeed. Taking Mark’s words to heart, I was able to land a position as a Private Equity Asset Management Analyst at Post Investment Group in Beverly Hills, CA.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Be open to new things. Be open to meeting new people and new ideas. I walked in as a freshman as an Entrepreneurship major. I went into Finance for the next three years and eventually found my way into the Real Estate industry. Even after all of these transitions, I have never been happier.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
The accomplishment I am most proud of is graduating with a 3.5 GPA and having a job already lined up post-graduation. It was hard with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting nearly two years of my college experience, but I made it through with security. Financial times got hard my sophomore year, so I had to take a leave of absence for a semester. I didn’t know if I would be able to make it back to San Diego, but I did. And I did it with conviction.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I am happy to say that I will be working with Post Investment Group as an Asset Management Analyst, back home in Los Angeles. I can’t wait to be back at SDSU to help other students the way that some alumni and faculty have helped me.
Maile Castillo (Marketing - IMC)
Los Angeles, CA
Campus Involvements:
Alpha Kappa Psi, Women in Business, and American Marketing Association
Will Miss:
The people and the connections I've made with everyone
Maile Castillo Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
My favorite moment at SDSU was being matched with my little in AKPsi. The excitement we both shared to be paired together is something I will never forget.
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
Mark Linder! His professional development class has changed my mindset and got me where I am today.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
You'll never see growth if you stay within your comfort zone. Make yourself known!
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Be active on campus as humanly possible. Meet people and intake as much knowledge from your experiences as possible!
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
Being a mentor to others and spreading the best tips I've learned within my various leadership roles.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I will be working as a Social Media Marketing Coordinator with The Walt Disney Company! Everyone that knows me, understands that has always been my goal. Now I'm living the DREAM!
Serena Santoro (Management)
San Clemente, CA
Campus Involvements:
Dance Marathon, SDSU Ambassadors, Delta Sigma Pi, Aztec Catholic, Rotaract, Delta Gamma, SHRM, and A.S.
Will Miss:
The people! I have met some of the most incredible individuals and am truly grateful for each and every relationship I have made, both large and small.
Serena Santoro Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
My favorite SDSU memory was Dance Marathon 2019 because it inspired my passion for pediatric health and ultimately what I plan to do in the future.
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
Professor Michelle Dean has been the most influential SDSU faculty member for me. She is such an incredible role model who truly gives her time to ensure that students succeed both inside and outside the classroom. It has been such a gift to learn from such a selfless individual who genuinely loves her job.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
The more you put into something the more you will get out of it.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Take each day as a new opportunity to grow and learn. Sometimes we get too caught up in what will happen tomorrow. Try your best to focus on the present because before you know it, you will be onto your next adventure.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
I am most proud of serving as the Executive Director of the largest philanthropic organization on campus, Dance Marathon at SDSU, where we were able to raise $400,170.22 for pediatric health.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I will be attending the University of Southern California to pursue a Master of Health Administration degree.
Elizabeth Rose Carlson (Real Estate)
Oceanside, CA
Campus Involvements:
Marching Aztecs
Will Miss:
Having a student structure!
Elizabeth Rose Carlson Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
I have so many fun memories during my four years as a Marching Aztec, I can not pick just one. Most of my favorites revolve around attending out of state bowl games. I went to Las Vegas, New Mexico, and Texas twice! My first trip to Texas was my favorite because due to scheduling, 25 members of the band got to travel via charter plane with the football team. Once we arrived, the 25 of us had three days to ourselves until the rest of the band showed up! I had the best time relaxing with my fellow band members around Fort Worth and even made eye contact with former Seattle Seahawks quarterback, Russell Wilson, because the Aztecs and the Seahawks were both staying at the Omni! I was even able to reunite with my best friend after five years who drove me into Dallas to see the JFK Memorial Museum!
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
My most influential faculty member was Professor Patrick Smith within the real estate major. He played a huge role in my life while at SDSU. His teaching style allowed me to feel comfortable in multiple classes that can be a butt kicker! He showed off the good, bad, and ugly sides of the real estate industry while simultaneously making students strive to become an agent. property major, or developer. I am so thankful I was able to have him for a professor not once but twice. Even though only one class was in person, he taught to his best of his ability and made his courses enjoyable and educational. I credit him for my sudden love for real estate. I was already a real estate major when I joined his class, but his teaching style in various courses made me want to stick around to learn as much as possible about the field. Thank you Professor Smith!
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
I was advised to take Natural Disasters as an upper division exploration course which I found fascinating and inspired me to seek out a minor in sustainability!
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Read the weekly emails SDSU sends! There are some really cool things you could participate on campus that are not heavily promoted. For example, I won a poem contest and was invited to read it on Veteran's Day at a special ceremony on campus for distinguished guests including the university president. I only found out about this opportunity because I kept up to date with my emails.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
The accomplishment I am most proud of from my time at SDSU is graduating with zero debt. After I transferred from Palomar Community College, I was able to pay for three years of tuition through scholarships from SDSU.
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I plan to get my notary certification and real estate license. My dream is to combine my major and minor by working as an environmental consultant in development projects!
Jake Lundstrom (Marketing - IMC)
Oahu, HI
Campus Involvements:
Phi Kappa Psi, Executive Vice President of the Fowler College of Business Council, and President of the Aztec Trading and Investing Group
Will Miss:
I will miss the resources that SDSU provides to its students the most. From the ARC, to the library, to general services provided for students, SDSU does the most to ensure individual success.
Jake Lundstrom Q & A
What is your favorite SDSU memory?
Being a member of the Fowler College of Business Council! Having the chance to further develop my leadership and communication skills has helped prepare me tremendously for post-graduate life.
Who has been the most influential Faculty or Staff at SDSU for you and why?
Stephen Osinski! Professor Osinski has helped so many of my SDSU colleagues get jobs, internships, and develop the skills necessary to compete in the workforce. He cares so much about his students and is someone I would consider a true friend and mentor.
What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
The best advice I received was to get involved! It really makes your undergraduate tenure that much more worthwhile.
What advice would you give to incoming SDSU students?
Do not be afraid to take risks and put yourself out there. A lot of people are afraid to take that extra leap because of what they think others will think of them. College is such a rare time in a young person's life and taking the extra step to put yourself in uncomfortable positions can yield amazing growth.
What accomplishment are you most proud of during your time at SDSU?
Founding and being the president of the Aztec Trading and Investing Group student organization on campus!
What is next for you professionally after graduation?
I work full-time as a content specialist for Neil Patel Digital based here in downtown San Diego.