Fowler College of Business Council Honors Outstanding Contributors with the 2022 Business Achievement Awards
By, Meghan Mahoney, Fowler College of Business Council President
The Fowler College of Business Council (CBC) hosted their annual Business Achievement Awards on April 12, 2022. The awards honor the college’s students, faculty, organizations, and alumni who have made significant contributions to the college’s student organizations.

Management professor Michelle Dean received the Best Faculty Involvement Awards
CBC Representative of the Year - Allison Sandoz
This award recognizes a graduate student who was involved in campus activities and organizations with a demonstrated and selfless commitment to the CBC. Her communication and multi-tasking abilities have been noticed by everybody who crosses paths with her. We would like to congratulate Allison Sandoz, as our CBC Representative of the Year.
Outstanding Alumni - Andy Esparza
For this award, we were looking for an alumnus who remained engaged with the campus and went above and beyond for students. We found that this individual embodied the mission of the Fowler College of Business, and we would like to award Andy Esparza as the Outstanding Alumnus. It is the second year in a row that he has been recognized with this award.
Outstanding Organization Member - Zach Juarez and Jordan Reyes
This year, we honored two students who demonstrated upstanding character and who went above and beyond their duties as organization members. After careful thought and deliberation, we couldn’t decide on just one person for this award, so we chose to honor co-winners this year. Both of these individuals are involved in multiple organizations and have made outstanding contributions through their leadership abilities and constant hard work. We are happy to announce Zach Juarez and Jordan Reyes as winners of this award.
Best Faculty Involvement - Dr. Michelle Dean
We chose to recognize a faculty member who regularly collaborated with the organization and provided support to its executive board and members. We found the contributions of this professor to be exceptional and well beyond their stated duties, so we are happy to honor Dr. Michelle Dean for the Best Faculty Involvement Award. She has been honored with this award previously, most recently in 2019.

Zach Juarez (left) and Jordan Reyes display the awards they received as Outstanding Organization Members.
Organization of the year - Women in Business (WIB)
Before we chose the Organization of the Year, we took a few key elements into account, including what the organization regularly provided for its members, involvement in the local community, and collaboration with other organizations. We were impressed by this organization's involvement in the local community and all of the business-related events they provided for their members. We would like to congratulate Women in Business as the winner of the Organization of the Year Award for 2022.
Most Improved Organization - SDSU Alpha Kappa Psi (AKΨ)
In making a decision on this award, we were looking for an organization that actively worked toward improving their organization and providing the most support for their members. We were amazed by this organization's ability to increase membership recruitment and involvement, as well as its outstanding social media presence. We are happy to announce SDSU Alpha Kappa Psi as this year’s most improved organization.
Outstanding Event – American Marketing Association’s “Professional Networking Night”
The CBC wanted to recognize an event that impacted students and supported the mission of the Fowler College of Business. We were impressed with how well and far in advance this event was planned and promoted. Also, we were aware of how many students across different colleges were positively impacted by the event. We would like to congratulate the American Marketing Association for their Professional Networking Night event.