Student Organization Spotlight: AITP
Harris Neiss, President of the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP).
This semester, the Fowler College of Business is highlighting the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP), a student organization that is making a difference both on campus and in the local community. After a virtual 2020-21 academic year, AITP is transitioning back to in-person meetings where they invite guest speakers and host competitions where students can pitch new ideas. Harris Neiss (Senior, Information Systems), President of AITP, describes the importance of getting involved on campus, the best piece of advice he’s received, and more!
About Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP)
Q: What are the goals of your organization?
The goal of our organization is to provide students who have an interest in technology the opportunity to gain quality experience and learn more about the industry through professionally-led events and workshops. We want to help you get the job / internship you always dreamed of!
Q: Why should students join your organization?
We have bi-weekly meetings where students can meet quality guest speakers with industry experience, get their “foot-in-the-door” with industry leaders, and befriend like-minded SDSU students. AITP is not only a great place to discover incredible opportunities, but also a place to create lifelong friendships!
Q: What events, gatherings, and activities does your organization host?
Some of the events we host include company tours, professional development workshops, networking events, and speakers from the IT industry.
Q: How does your organization connect with the community outside of SDSU?
We connect with our parent chapter, which is based in San Diego. In doing so, we are able to connect SDSU students with IT professionals who are members of the parent chapter. AITP-SD hosts lots of networking events where professionals connect with students and vice versa.
Q: How can a student get involved with your organization?
Go to our webpage, click membership, and submit an application (10 seconds to finish). For this semester, our meetings take place every other Monday from 11 am - 1 pm in the Atzlan suite!
Q: What are your organization’s social media handles?
Instagram: @sdsu_aitp
Q: Anything else you’d like to add about your organization
If you ever thought about joining a student organization, come check us out! I promise it’s a lot of fun :) We also have free pizza at every meeting as well!
Q& A with AITP President, Harris Neiss
Name: Harris Neiss
Major: Information Systems with a minor in Computer Science
Q: As a student leader involved with an organization at SDSU, can you share why you got involved and what your experience has been like so far?
I joined AITP because I was looking for other individuals who were in the same major as me and were also looking to further themselves professionally. My experience so far has been nothing short of incredible! I have made so many friends and professional connections who have helped me throughout college and I will be forever grateful for that.
Q: Are you involved in any other organizations on campus?
Yes! I am the Vice President of the Entrepreneur Society as well. Both AITP and ES have helped me tremendously throughout my college career.
AITP's 2021-2022 Executive Board.
Q: What experience with your organization has been the most impactful?
Since joining, AITP has given me exposure to so many exciting opportunities that I never knew about. I would say the most impactful experience was seeing my roommate and Vice President Robert Brodskiy successfully get an internship from an AITP event we hosted with AT&T.
Q: What has been your favorite event you’ve attended at SDSU? Why?
My favorite event I've attended at SDSU would have to be the bowling social event for AITP we held about 2 years ago because It was great to hang out with fellow club members outside a professional environment.
Q: Why is getting involved on campus important to you?
Getting involved on campus is important to me because it helped me get out of my comfort zone and meet individuals I would have never met otherwise and make tons of new friendships.
Q: What is the best advice you have received during your time at SDSU?
The best advice I received so far was to say yes to more opportunities that come your way because you never know which opportunity will open the right doors to success.
Q: What is the best advice you have for future Fowler College of Business students?
The same advice I received, I would give to every future Fowler College of Business student.
Q: Are you involved in any internship opportunities?
Yes! This past summer I completed an Internship at Amazon as an Area Manager Intern.
Q: What are your plans following graduation?
I am currently working for Apple as an AppleCare College advisor and I plan to continue working with Apple after graduation.
Q: What career aspirations do you have following your time at SDSU?
Later on in my career, I plan to run a startup company of my own and help improve others lives with technology.
Q: Anything else you’d like to add about your time at SDSU/experience in your organization.
SDSU has provided tons of amazing opportunities through student organizations and the Fowler College of Business and I could not be more grateful.
Q: Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes
Q: Favorite band? Tame Impala
Q: Instagram or TikTok? Instagram
Q: Horror or comedy movie? Comedy
Q: Sunset Cliffs or La Jolla? Sunset Cliffs
Q: Pancho’s or Trujillo’s? Trujillo’s
Q: Fun Fact? I run a clothing brand called Limeberry Drive (@limeberrydrive) check it out!