Latinx Executives Share Their Insights on Creating Diversity Within the Sports Industry

October 8, 2021
Seen Virtual Panel

Abigail (top left) attends the virtual panel, Wednesday Oct. 6.

Latinx Sports MBA students, Abigail Lozano Vazquez and Astrid Enciso, joined Sports & Entertainment Equity Network's (SEEN) virtual discussion "Seen: Untapped" this past Wednesday evening. Three Latinx executives shared their insights on the potential of the Latinx community in the sports and entertainment industry. Below are key points Astrid and Abigail tookaway from the panelists:      Untapped Speakers

SEEN Sports and Entertainment Equity Network hosted three Latinex Panelists.

Camille Buxeda
Director & Founder at WSLAM As a director, she has seen how storytelling has not been reaching the Latinx community well. She spoke about the missed opportunity there is in not letting athletes be "marketed as they are" and "educating the American market" through this type of content.    Sergio Martinez Talent Acquisition Senior Director at the Golden State Warriors He knows that the sports world is very connected so he tries to actively find and hire people that do not know everyone or attended elite schools. He asks himself, "How do I get people in the organization that are trying to reach their dream?"    Adolfo Romero VP, Executive Programming at SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park In his position, he gets to select the events that "reflect the community" by taking time to understand the cultures in it and making the events an authentic experience for these individuals (ex. Los Bukis, TLC, etc.) 
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