#SDSUGrad Spotlight: Alice Melz

May 6, 2021

During the past year, students at San Diego State University’s Fowler College of Business have faced and met challenges in an unprecedented and ever-evolving time in human history. Through it all, most have preserved and many have thrived in the upheaval that permeated their lives. 

In this series, we highlight graduates from the class of 2021 as they embark on the next chapter of their lives, including those who have secured jobs and internships or are moving into advanced studies. 

Name: Alice Melz
Major: Marketing

Can you describe the position and company you will be working for post-graduation? What will your responsibilities be?
I’m going to work as a full-time marketing coordinator for The Humble Co. in the U.S., an eco-friendly and socially responsible Swedish oral health care company. My responsibilities vary, but are mainly centered around advertising, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, designing tailored sales decks to U.S. retailers, optimizing our website, email marketing, and other functions to drive run rate on our e-commerce platform. The role also includes identifying  opportunities and building strategy. Since we are fairly new on the U.S. market, I will have the exciting task of creating awareness and building our brand in the U.S. together with my team.

Alice Melz

Alice Melz, Marketing '21

Can you describe a little bit about yourself and what led you to pursue marketing as an area of study?
I’m an international student from Stockholm, Sweden. I moved to the U.S. in 2014 after graduating high school in Sweden to do one semester abroad at SDSU. Six months turned into a year and by the end of that year, I remember walking on campus and seeing students taking graduation pictures. I remember thinking “I want to do that too” and that’s when I decided that I wanted to study here long-term. Being financially independent at 18 years old, I didn’t know how I’d be able to finance my degree, so graduating now is a huge victory for me. All the hard work has been worth it, and I’d do it all over again if I could. I chose marketing as my major because I love to communicate with people. Marketing is power. And with power comes great responsibility. I want to use the power of marketing to influence people and educate, and I take great pride in working for companies and organizations who make a positive change in the world. To me, digital marketing is not just a job but a passion.

When did you begin your job search and what did that process entail?
My journey with The Humble Co. started when I reached out to the country manager at the time. I had already identified The Humble Co. as a company I’d love to work for, so I asked for an opportunity to introduce myself and attached my resume. I was invited to do an interview and became a marketing intern for one semester.

When did you receive your official job offer and what was your reaction?
I received my official job offer towards the end of my internship. I was beyond excited. Not only do I get to work with products that I love and use myself, a mission that I support, and do marketing which is what I’m the most passionate about, but I also have a team that feels like a second family. In my opinion, that’s a dream organization right there, and I can’t wait to be a part of shaping the Humble journey in the U.S.

What advice do you have for fellow students, regardless of their field, looking to jumpstart their career post-graduation?
My biggest advice is to start early. Make sure you build connections and gain experiences in the area you want to work in as early as you can. This can be work, internships, organizations on or off campus, and getting to know your professors. Engage, apply, take initiative, and don’t ever say no to an opportunity thinking it probably won’t take you anywhere. It’s a ripple effect — one thing leads to another and eventually you will run into an opportunity that will change the course of your life. Second, educate yourself and constantly look for knowledge within your field. There is an abundance of resources out there. There is no excuse not to be ready to enter the workforce when you graduate. Study relevant job descriptions and identify skills and capabilities you’ll need to acquire and start that learning process today — not tomorrow — so you’re competitive by the time  you graduate.

What is it that you are most looking forward to as you kick start this next chapter?
I’ve invested all my waking hours in my studies, internships, work, networking, and multiple on-campus organizations — all at the same time. I’ve loved to be a part of so many amazing opportunities, but I’m constantly multi-tasking and being pulled from one thing to another. I’m extremely excited to focus on one thing only. Starting now, The Humble Co. will be my only focus and I will get to truly dive in and give it my all. This is exciting, because I can’t wait to see what will come out of that. I get to truly immerse myself into this company and I couldn’t be more excited about that.

How did SDSU prepare you for success not only at the university but after graduation?
SDSU prepared me for my future success in every way possible. From a knowledge perspective, my professors have been absolutely outstanding when it comes to shaping my skill set and providing me with tools that I’ve been able to utilize in my jobs, internships, and on-campus involvement. From a character standpoint, SDSU gives every student a voice and it’s empowering. Here, students can grow in an environment that’s safe and supporting, but challenging at the same time. This has provided me with a courage that’s been a part of me since I began my studies at SDSU. You start your journey doubting your capabilities, but you leave knowing what you can do, and more importantly, what you’re capable of becoming. You graduate knowing that it doesn’t end here — this is where it begins.

What experience at SDSU has changed your life the most?
It’s difficult to say one thing, because my SDSU experience as a whole has changed my life completely, but getting to know my professors has probably been the most rewarding part and has changed me the most. Being able to learn directly from professors, business professionals and leaders with decades of industry experience, is incredibly valuable. Without them, I would not be the marketer that I am today.

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