Yue Song

Assistant Professor
Academic Affairs
Fowler College of Business
Management Department
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-594-2927
Student Services East - 3361
Mail Code: 8238
Yue Song is an assistant professor of entrepreneurship at SDSU's Fowler College of Business. She holds a Ph.D. in business management from Virginia Tech University and a masters in finance from Claremont Mckenna College.
Song's research and teaching interests include entrepreneurship, innovation, and the surrounding ecosystem. She has taught entrepreneurship and strategic management classes, and her research has been published in several prominent journals, including the Journal of Management, the Journal of Business Research, and the International Small Business Journal.
Awards & Honors
- Finalist, Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, 2021
- Best Doctoral Paper Award, The Entrepreneurship and Family Business Track at the Southern Management Association, 2020
- William H. Newman Award for Best Paper Based on a Dissertation, Academy of Management, 2018
- Finalist, Industry Studies Association Dissertation Award, 2018
- Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award, Virginia Tech, 2017
- Warren Lloyd Holtzman Award for Graduate Research Excellence, Virginia Tech, 2017
- Pamplin Summer Research Grant, Virginia Tech, selected through a college-wide competitive process based on research proposals, received the competitive award for two years in a row, 2015 and 2016
- Summer Research Grant, Management Department, Virginia Tech, selected through a department-wide competitive process based on research proposals, 2014
- Litschert Research Award, Management Department, Virginia Tech, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
- Early Research Proposal Award, Management Department, Virginia Tech, 2012
- Robert Day Scholar, Claremont McKenna College, 2012
Publications - Journals
- Schwarte, Y., Song, Y., & Hunt, R.A. 2022. Entrepreneurial passion: Review, synthesis, and future agenda for a multidimensional construct. Journal of Business Research, forthcoming.
- Bhussar, M., Sexton, J., Zorn, M., & Song, Y. 2022. Technological acquisitions: How acquisition pace, venture maturity and founder involvement influence firm innovation outcomes. Journal of Business Research, forthcoming.
- Hunt, R.A., Hayward, M., Song, Y., Stallkamp, M., & Townsend, D. 2022. Getting a foot in the door: Trade credits, referrals, and the fate of entrepreneurial firms. International Small Business Journal, forthcoming.
- Hunt, R. A., Song, Y., Townsend, D. M., & Stallkamp, M. 2021. Internationalization of entrepreneurial firms: Leveraging real options reasoning through affordable loss logics. Journal of Business Research, 133: 194-207.
- Song, Y., Gnyawali, D.R., Srivastava, M.K., & Asgari, E. 2018. In search of precision in absorptive capacity research: A synthesis of the literature and consolidation of findings. Journal of Management, 44: 2343-2734.
- Song, Y. & Gnyawali, D.R. 2017. What drives innovation choices in the small satellite industry? The role of technological resources and managerial experience. Proceedings of the AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, 31st Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites.
- Gove, S., Junkunc, M., Bruyaka, O., de Castro L.R.K., Kintana, M.L., Mingo, S., Song, Y., & Thakur, P (after the first two authors the author order is alphabetical). 2017. Reexamining CEO duality: The surprisingly problematic issues of conceptualization and measurement. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 25: 411–427.
- Gnyawali, D.R. &. Song, Y. 2016. Pursuit of rigor in research: Illustration from coopetition literature. Industrial Marketing Management, 57: 12-22.
Publications – Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
- Song, Y., Zorn, M., Townsend, D., & Junkunc, M. 2021. For love or money? The effects of psychological ownership on the timing of founder exits. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 81st Annual Meeting
- Song, Y., Gnyawali, D.R., & Qian, L. 2021. From Early Curiosity to Space Wide Web: Emergence of the Small Satellite Innovation Ecosystem. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 81st Annual Meeting
- 2021 Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division Best Paper Award Finalist
- Song. Y. 2018. How does the innovation ecosystem influence industry evolution? Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings,78th Annual Meeting, Chicago.
- Hunt, R.A. & Song. Y. 2015. Internationalizing entrepreneurs: Bridging real options reasoning and affordable loss logics. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 75th Annual Meeting, Vancouver.