Miro Copic

Miro Copic

Academic Affairs
Fowler College of Business
Marketing Department



Primary Email: [email protected]


Primary Phone: 619-594-0941


Lamden Hall - 337D
Mail Code: 8239


Miro Copic has been a marketing lecturer for the Fowler College of Business since 2006, where he has taught the strategic branding course in the MBA program, as well as the core marketing course in the Executive MBA Program. He also taught marketing courses at the University of Malta as part of a joint program with SDSU.

Copic is also the principal and co-founder of BottomLine Marketing a business, marketing and brand strategy consulting firm. Previously, he worked in senior marketing and general management roles for Frito-Lay, 20th Century Fox and Hasbro. He earned his MBA from Harvard Business School, a master’s degree in public policy (MPP) from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree B.A. in international relations and economics from the University of Southern California. He is a 2010 graduate of the LEAD San Diego program.