Vince Johnson

Vince Johnson headshot

Academic Affairs
Fowler College of Business
Management Department



Primary Email: [email protected]


Primary Phone: 619-850-8616


Lamden Hall - 337B
Mail Code: 8221


Vince Johnson has a masters degree (international management) from the Thunderbird School of Global Management and a B.S (business administration, finance) from the University of Kansas. He currently teaches in the management department at SDSU and consults in the non-profit sector. As a lead instructor, he developed a global MBA program at the University of Phoenix and facilitated undergraduate and graduate courses in global management, international managerial economics, global business strategies, and world commerce (both online and in the classroom). He is a dynamic, engaging leader with accomplishments in these diverse areas:  business education,  nonprofit sector (leadership, finance and fundraising), international trade, banking and trade finance, cross-border manufacturing and sales management. international business and product development, and cross-cultural fluency.  He has been highly successful at engendering passion and inspiring individuals, groups and organizations. He has a strong passion for travel, culture, and all things global. He currently resides in La Jolla and, when not feeding his global passions, can be spotted surfing the local waves or riding his mountain bike in nearby canyons.